Price USD (not less than 1200 packs -40 boxes) – 18,12
Price EURO (not less than 1200 packs -40 boxes) – 16,32
It prevents and relieves from stress in case of excessive physical and mental loads.
Your emotions are under control. Inner harmony, calmness and self-confidence on the way to victory.
«Nervo-Vit» (valerian, jacob’s – ladder, motherwort, melissa, vitamin C)
Constituent (240 mg):
— Powder of Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) rhizomes and roots (25 mg);
— Powder of Jacob’s – ladder roots and rhizomes (Polemonium caeruleum) (10 mg);
— extract of Motherwort (Leonurus) (10 mg);
— extract of Melissa (Melissa officinalis) (10 mg);
— ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) (8 mg).
Packaging: № 200.
Product: tablets.
Quantity: 200 PCs.
Property component
Valerian is a source of valeric and isovaleric acids, valepotriates and more than 120 other
bioactive compounds, it also contains essential oil. It has a powerful sedative effect. It also has a
spasmolytic effect, improves myocardial function in case of cardiac neurosis.
Polemonium caeruleum contains triterpenic saponins having a sedative e ect ten times stronger than a sedative effect of valerian.
Motherwort is a source of flavonoids and glycosides (rutin, quercetrin, quinqulososide, etc.), alkaloids, saponins and tannins.
It has a sedative effect on the central nervous system, slows the heart rate, increases the strength of heart contractions and lowers blood pressure.
Extract of Melissa (Melissa officinalis) has sedative, tranquilizing, anti-depressive, antispasmodic, immunostimulating, antiallergic, antiviral and anti-microbial properties.
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) reduces the effects of free radicals formed during stress.
Recommended use:
— in case of increased nervous excitability caused by physical fatigue;
— in case of sleep malfunction;
— in case of chronic stress;
— in case of increased mental and psycho-emotional stress;
— in case of asthenia.
Recommended for adults
For active life style
2-3 tablets three times daily with meals.
For sport activities
3 tablets three times daily with meals.
Duration: 2 weeks, then pause – for at least 2 weeks.
Storage conditions: Store in a dry place at room temperature.
Contraindications: pregnant and lactating women, individual intolerance to the components of the product. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Patents, awards, etc.:
— patent RF № 2452507;
— sign «One hundred best goods of Russia».
ТS 9361-016-41395157-07 with am. № 1, 2
SRC №RU.Е.004926.03.15 dated 20.03.2015
Manufacturer: LLC “PARAFARM”, Russia, 440026, Penza, Sverdlov str., 4 (production address: Russia, 440034, Penza, Kalinina str., 116-A).