Price USD (not less than 1200 packs -40 boxes) – 23,74
Price EURO (not less than 1200 packs -40 boxes) – 21,37
To boost memory and brain power.
A reliable security for your brain. Perfect motor coordination and response rate!
«Memo-Vit» (HDBA organic complex, buckwheat, rose hips).
Constituent (505 mg):
— red-stem buckwheat herb (100 mg);
— may rose hips (100 mg);
— HDBA organic complex (50 mg).
Packaging: № 300
Product: tablets.
Quantity: 300 PCs.
Property component
Red-stem buckwheat – a source of useful flavonoids: rutin, quercetin, citrine and etc. It is especially rich in rutin, an essencial substance for vessels health improvement and stroke prevention.
May rose hips – a source of vitamins C, B2, K, P, E and provitamin A.
HDBA organic complex – a source of hormones and prohormones (does not suppress own hormones production): testosteroids, progesterone and estradiol. It is a source of free amino acids.
Recommended use:
— to increase adaptive capacities of human organizm in extreme situations;
— in martial arts to improve response and to accelerate brain structures recovery after sports injuries;
— to prevent mental fatigue in case of monotonous activity or in case of stressful work;
— in case of disorders caused by cerebral damage;
— after cerebral injuries;
— in case of disturbed cerebral circulation and neurotic disorder.
Recommended for adults
For active life style
2 tablets three times daily with or between meals.
For sport activities
4-5 tablets three times daily with or between meals.
Duration: 1 month, then pause – for at least 2 weeks.
Storage conditions: Store in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.
Contraindications: pregnancy, breast-feeding, individual intolerance to the components of the product. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Patents, awards, etc.:
— patent RF №2415610;
— One hundred best goods of Russia.
ТS 9197-052-41395157-11 with am. № 1
SRC №RU.Е.004930.03.15 dated 20.03.2015
Manufacturer: LLC “PARAFARM”, Russia, 440026, Penza, Sverdlov str., 4 (production address: Russia, 440034, Penza, Kalinina str., 116-A).