Natural cardioprotector actively used for prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Ingredients  (505 mg):

— powder of fruits of Redhaw Hawthorn (Crataegus sanguines) (75 mg);

— powder of flowers and leaves of Redhaw Hawthorn (Crataegus sanguines) (75 mg);

— powder of fruits of Cinnamon rose (Rosa majalis) (75 mg);

— adsorbed Royal jelly (30 mg).

Excipients: lactose monohydrate, calcium stearate, hypromellose, tween 80, titanium dioxide, carmoazine, indigo-carmine.


Package: № 60, № 300 (Fitness&Life).


Ingredients’ features

Fruits, flowers, and leaves of Hawthorn have cardiotonic effect improving the myocardium function and preventing its premature fatigue. The beneficial effect of all parts of Redhaw Hawthorn (fruits, flowers, and leaves – used as whole) on normalization of heart rhythm is 10 times stronger than the effect of these parts used separately.

Royal jelly is used in treatment of angina pectoris and dysfunction of cerebral vessels. It normalizes vascular tone, arterial pressure, and coronary blood circulation, improves myocardial contractile function, restores disturbed vascular tone of the brain. Royal jelly contains polyunsaturated fatty acids that increase vitality of cardiomyocytes due to what the risk of infarction decreases by several times. This beekeeping product contributes to the regeneration of heart muscle without scarring. Fruits and flowers of Hawthorn affect the consequences, and royal jelly – the causes of cardiovascular diseases. Multilateral orientation of these effects explains the high effectiveness of the composition, and this is its uniqueness.

Fruits of Rosa majalis stimulate redox processes in the body, activate a number of enzyme systems, stabilize adrenalin and other catecholamines levels, enhances resistance of the body to harmful environmental influences, infections, and other unfavorable factors.



— effective protection of cardiovascular system;

— strengthens myocardium improving its supply with oxygen;

— reduces inflammatory processes in myocardium;

— accelerates regeneration of specific tissue of the heart with thrifty stimulation of the scarring process;

— antiarrhythmic, cardiotonic, hypotensive,  and dilating coronary vessels effects necessary in treatment of atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, and tachycardia;

— sedative effect.



— cardiovascular system function disorders in order to prevent cardiologic diseases;

— as part of rehabilitative therapy after heart surgery;

—hard physical stresses and overloads;

— heart murmurs.


Recommended for use as follows

Adults: 2 tablets 3 times a day at mealtimes.

Cyclic course of supplementation — 1 month with 1 week pause.

Prevention course – 2 packages.

Therapeutic course – 4 packages.

The best way of intake is sublingual.